27 April, 2010


Hello everyone,
I know its been a while since a updated this, but in my defense things have been a little crazy here. Anyway down to business, over these last few weeks my family and I have been sending out letters to family and friends about my trip, along with asking for a little help with fund raising. Since we started sending them we have gotten enough money to cover the rest of the tuition for my trip!!! I especially want to thank my Grandparents Bill & Arlene, my other grandparents Frank & Sylvia, my Great-great Auntie Edla, the Hensley Family, my Great Auntie Bobbi, Alan Burstein, Kent & Yvette Burstein, my Great Auntie Judy & Great Uncle Don, Barry & Milly Bissonett, Jim & Janice Tanner, and Barb Cary Hall.

On another note I have also been talking with my host family through facebook, getting to know my host father and one of my host sisters, along with learning a little bit about the area where I will be staying.

Well I think that covers things for the moment. Thanks for reading!

02 April, 2010

Host Family!!!

Hello again,
Guess what, I heard from my host family this last week! They live in Tønsberg Norway, its about an hour south of Olso, (the capital) and its on the coast. I am so excited because I have never even seen an ocean and I will actually be living on the shore of one for almost a year! It is also considered to be the oldest city in Norway, with a population around 40,000. It sounds like I will have possibly 4 host siblings, 2 of which are in college, one will actually be a foreign exchange student in Oregon next year, so I will be living with one host brother for the majority of the time.