18 June, 2011

Down to two :(

I really have only two weeks left in Norway, two weeks from today I will be back in the States, can you believe it?? As I get closer I am getting more confused about where I really want to be, here or back in the States.

Yesterday we had our closing ceremony stuff at my school, meaning I got my grades and I did surprisingly well considering it was in an entirely new language for me. Although something that was totally unsuspected was that me and the other exchange student at the school got called up at the end, it was nothing major, we got a book about the area and a little silver spoon too. It was just weird to walk up in front of most of the school and be handed a couple of things.

Unfortunately the school ending meant that I would have to start with some of my goodbyes which was a big downer. Hopefully I will be able to see most of them over the last week or so I have in Tønsberg, because I really did get to know a lot of people and would love to see just about every one of them again :D

Afterwards I went to a friends house for lunch with a bunch of others as well. It was a lot of fun, we just chilled out played a couple card games and then went home, which also meant me saying goodbye to several of them because I won't be able to see them before I leave.

Although what was really cool and I am glad somebody had suggested to me was that I bought a Norwegian flag a few days ago and whenever I ran into someone I knew fairly well at school I had them sign it! I don't know how I am supposed to get all of my friends to sign it though because I am already running out of space.

Anyway though I am seriously down to one week left in Tønsberg, meaning I am going to be trying really hard to hang out with just about everyone before I leave, however hard it may turn out to be with my already hectic schedule, I will try!!!

It also doesn't help that most of my friends constantly have plans also, oh well. That is it for the moment, see you next time!

14 June, 2011


It is so hard for me to believe that I have less than three weeks left in Norway. To be brutally honest I don't even have 2 weeks left in Tønsberg, for the last week I will be between Asker and my final AFS camp. Many of the other exchange students that I have found out about that are in the states this yer are actually coming back in the next week, and one of my best friends here from the states is actually leaving on Thursday morning. It is amazing at how fast things can sneak up and surprise you, especially time.

Things have been going pretty good in the last week, I have mainly just been hanging out with the other US exchange student. Saturday we went to Oslo to just look around a bit, met up with some other students from his program, it was not all that much fun though because it rained almost the entire day (and not lightly I might add). I finished with school last week and have otherwise just been sitting around and enjoying myself.

I have been in Norway for nearly 10 months, but I can honestly say it feels so much less than that. While on the other end the 2 weeks or so that I have left feels like nothing and an eternity at the same time. It will be really nice to see my friends and family again but it will also be really hard to say bye to everyone here.

Well there you have it.

08 June, 2011


I am officially done with my Norwegian exam!!!!! It feels so good to be finished with it, I have been seriously stressing out the last couple days trying to study for it and everything. Now I just need to wait and see how it turns out when I get the graded result back in a couple of weeks.

Other than the the last few days have been pretty boring because I have just been focusing on getting finished with the exam. Not only am I done with the exam but all of my classes are also finished, the only school stuff I have left is 3 hours on Friday and the closing ceremony next Thursday.

Although while school is reaching it's end that also means that my trip is also coming to an end. I have just over 3 weeks left in Norway, I have been here for more than nine months but it seems like nothing now that I think about it.

Anyway now that my trip is winding down I am starting to realize just how hard it will be to leave and at the same time how nice it will be to com back home again. I have made so many great friends here that I am really hoping to keep in touch with, and thankfully with skype and facebook it it easier than ever.

Well there are my thoughts for now, see you next time!

05 June, 2011

En kjempebra helg!

Hallo alle sammen! Jeg bare tenkte at jeg skal skrive en liten opplegg om sisten helgen min, det var sykt bra! Vi hadde noen ekstra fri dager denne uke fordi det var Kristi himmelfartsdagen og det var ett eller annet fri dag på fredag.

Torsdag kveld jeg hadde sett den ny X-men filmen med en venn ned på brygga, jeg tror at den er det beste av alle de x-men filmer fra før. Etter på vennen min og meg gikk rundt i byen fordi det var så skikkelig fin kveld.

På fredag en venn og meg var ut på sykkel tur, jeg hadde fått låne av en racesykkel fra han!!! Det har vært mer en ett år siden min siste treningsøkt på racesykkel. Det var en kjempeflott dag for en sykkel tur, varmt og sol hele tiden.

Seinere på fredag vi hadde en kveld å bare slappe av hos en venner, det eneste ting var at jeg hadde ikke nok penger for å få en nytt bussekort så jeg hadde gå hjem som tok nesten 2 timer, men det var en fint dag så det var helt greit!

Og i går kveld jeg var på en fest med annen utvekslingsstudent ut på Nøtterøy, dette var det høydepunkt i helgen. Det var grilling til start og bare kos etter på. Der var en som var en utvekslingsstudent i Michigan ett par år siden som var der og vi hadde snakket nesten hele kvelden.

Der var fire av oss som var opp når det var soloppgang så vi gikk ut å se det (4:10 om morgen :D), etter på hadde tre av oss sett på twilight (ikke spørre hvorfor) og så sove vi til nesten 12 å ta bussen hjem.

Det var en kjempegøy helgen for å si det minste, med mange ny folk som var kjempegøy og kjempesnill. Det eneste ting jeg tenke på er at jeg har norsk eksamen på onsdag...
Takk for nå!

01 June, 2011

Last month :(

I know I say this every post but time goes by so quickly that it seems nothing can catch up with it. Truly and honestly I have less than one month left in Norway, at the same time however I realize just how long I have been away from all of my family and friends back home in the States. At the moment my emotions are mixed about going back home because I really do love it here but on the other hand getting to start college and being able to see friends and family is going to be really nice.

Anyway not much has happened in the last couple of weeks that is worth telling, there are a few things they. One of the exciting things was that I went with a friend to the Champions League soccer game (basically world championship from what I can tell) at the kulturhus in town, where there with almost another several hundred people. It was pretty cool to see with so many people, and some of the reactions were really loud and lasted forever.

My host family and I made a trip to Oslo last weekend to just meet up with my host brother and just chill out up there. I did get sick last week and am still getting over it at the moment so I was down for most of this last weekend just feeling icky.

Yesterday in my sports class I led the class period with track, we have been slowly going through everyone in our class. Everyone chose a sport or something and for most everyone else there were a few that picked it so they would work together, but I was on my own. It did go really well however, it was a little difficult at times because there was so many people, but everyone had fun and my teacher seemed impressed.

There hasn't been a whole lot happening lately just a lot of thinking and a bit of prep for leaving. School is starting to finish up which is nice, I am basically finished next monday with most of my classes and after that I just have the Norwegian exam, which I am actually pretty nervous about but I am hoping it will go ok. That is next Wednesday so pretty much after that I am finished up with school. Just have to wait for my grades in everything now to see what I will get.

Well I think that covers things now.