27 November, 2014


Laying in bed last night I got to thinking, four years ago, I was in Norway stressing about the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner for my host family and friends (a dinner I could not have pulled if it weren't for my mothers). With Thanksgiving fast approaching I also started thinking about the things I was thankful for, and to be honest that list encompasses so much, my family, my friends, my circumstances, etc. That year abroad had a huge impact on my outlook for life, it changed my perspective on so many things. My personal growth that year I owe to my friends and host family, and that growth put me in a much better attitude for school.

Prior to leaving for Norway I didn't feel like I was ready for school and even my first couple of semesters I wasn't really sure, but as time went on I got more comfortable with classes, the culture shock I experienced after moving back subsided and I started to figure myself out. As I got further entrenched in the variety of classes I was taking I came to realize just how much I had come to love learning about new people and new ideas. So for the last 4 years I have completely immersed myself in school and while I love it, I have always missed Norway and the amazing and wonderful people that I met there. I still hope to move back someday, to the place where I felt at home right off the bat.

Since that dinner so much has happened, I completed my year abroad, finished three years of college, I am nearly done with my senior year of college, and I have moved from Ely to Duluth. Through my years at school I have met many phenomenal people both in school and in the Duluth community, some of them have since moved but they will forever remain as a part of me, just like those I met in Norway. While sometimes it is a struggle to see people leave I am forever thankful that they were a part of my life. I know I struggle with keeping in touch, but regardless of how much I talk to any one of you, you are always in my thoughts, every one of you helped get me to where I am today and I will never forget that. So in closing, I am thankful for everyone that has played a role in my life, and whether I see you everyday, once a week, or haven't seen you in a while, I am so thankful for every single bit of time that I have spent with you.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

10 February, 2013


Well it has been quite some time since I posted on here, since my last few posts were in Norwegian, lets go with one in English. Things have been going well here in Duluth, busy though. I have been working at my school as an Academic Role Model, kind of hard to explain the position but it has been a real growing experience. School has been going well, I have 2 years left in the Exercise physiology program, and I am looking at going to chiropractic school after finishing! It has been incredibly exciting to start planning for the coming years of my life.
Over these past months I have really come to realize what an amazing impact my exchange experience in Norway has meant to me. This last spring I had the opportunity to return for a couple of weeks and to be honest it was like I never left. Being able to see my friends and host family again was incredible, and while I wasn't able to stay for very long, it was amazingly refreshing.
At times it can be a struggle for me to sit down and write letters to people, but for my family and friends in Norway, thank you so much for everything! For making me feel at home in another country, feeling like one of the group/family, I appreciate it so much and while it may be hard for me to portray that in person I want you to know how much I admire everything you have done for me.
Along this same note I would like to thank everyone that helped me financially with regards to my exchange experience. Without your help I wouldn't have been able to go on such a life changing adventure, and no matter what I say on hear it will not fully portray the gratitude I feel.
For now that is all I have time for, thanks again to everyone for all your help!
Jon Haaversen

05 December, 2011

Nesten ferdig!!!

Hallo alle sammen!

Det har vaert litt lenge siden jeg ar publisert inlegge, saa kanskje det er paa tid aa gjore det igjen! Naa er jeg kjempe opptatt med skolen fordi det kommer semester slutt snart! Det er bare to uker med vanlig timer og saa er det examer. Alt har vaert bra men jeg kommer til aa savne dere i norge mer og mer, USA er fint, men ikke saa fint som Norge. Jeg har ikke mer tid naa, men bare a fortelle dere litt som skjer med meg.

Vi snakkes,

22 October, 2011


Nå er høsten nesten helt ferdig her i USA, temperatur har vært i nærheten av null de siste to uker men bare på natta. Så vinter er på vei!! Jeg er så spent å være på ski igjen, det var de Oseberg Skilag guttene som har inspirert denne innlegg. Denne helgen er tur til Tørsby for guttene på skisamling, og jeg tenkte "er det mulig, har det vært ett helt år siden reiste jeg til Tørsby med skilaget," men det har det vært.

Høsten har vært helt fantastisk, det var veldig varm i begynnelsen av oktober men de siste ukene har vært kjempedeilig. Skole har vært okei, men jeg har hatt masse prøver og ett par essayer siste uken og neste også. Hvordan har det vært i Norge med alle dere? Høstferie, skolen og livet?

Bare et liten innlegg men, jeg har ikke så mye å snakke om nå, bare at jeg fortsett å leve og at livet er bra, for det meste.
Takk for nå!

24 September, 2011


Det er vært lenge siden jeg har skrevet her. Men å være erlig jeg har vært sinnsykt opptatt med starten av universiteten og med slutten av sommer. Det har vært spennende og lit kjedelig av og til på universiteten.

Alt har vært bra, jeg har truffet mange nye, bra og spennende mennesker, men fortsett jeg savne alle mine venner og folk jeg hadde truffet i Norge. For dere som leser dette jeg håper alt går bra, jeg vet at jeg har ikke snakket så mye med dere, siden reiste jeg fra Norge.

Dere må alle legge meg til skype, brukernavnet mitt er på facebook. Det er rart a tenke at det har vært nesten 3 måneder siden reiste jeg hjem. Jeg håper å reise tilbake til Norge neste våren men det henger på hvor mye penger jeg har rundt juletiden.

Håper dere som er på siste år av videregående skolen har det bra, og ikke glemme meg :P Kanskje dere har noen ny utvekslingsstudenter på Greveskogen. Ha det så lenge!

13 July, 2011

One week

Well everyone it has been a little over a week since I came back to good old Ely Minnesota. Things are going pretty good, a little boring because I am doing mostly job searching at the moment. Although to be honest it is kind of nice to do something else other than jumping into work right away.

Things have been good but pretty weird at the same time, hearing English all of the time continues to throw me off, I am really coming to miss Norway and Norwegian. Since I got back I have only spoken a few little blurbs of Norwegian here and there.

I got all signed up for my classes this coming fall for college and to be honest I am pretty nervous about how they are going to go. Almost each morning I have been getting up and watching the Tour de France on TV, it was really exciting to see Thor Hushovd in the yellow jersey so long, GO NORWEGIANS!!!

Also over the last week I have randomly been running into friends and other people I know, it has been really nice to see them but it is kind of weird because I haven't talked to most of them since before I left. From the looks of things people want me to keep up with the blogging so I will, now to just come up with a new name...

Well that is it for now, hopefully next time I will have good news about the whole job search thing. Also for those of you in Duluth any hints for job searching down there?
Takk for naa!!!

06 July, 2011

Last post??

Well everyone it is official, I am back in Ely, my first home. Anyway this might very well be one of my last posts on here, except for a possible random one here and there. However I am thinking about starting another one, but it depends on the feedback I get for it.

Now down to the last things I did in Norway. My last week in Tønsberg me and a friend decided to pull an all nighter on the longest day of the year. We started by chilling out at the beach with a bunch of friends, of which only one wanted to stay up with us.

We stayed up until the sun came up (4:00 in the morning), the coolest part being that the "night" never got dark enough to see any stars, it stayed twilight all the way through. For me it was one of the coolest things, at first when it started getting light so early I was kind of annoyed, but once I got used to it I really liked it.

The day after I had a going away party with all of my closer friends from school and everything. It was really nice but kind of disappointing knowing that I would not see most of them again before I left.

Next on the agenda was a boat trip with some friends of my host family for St. Johns eve (can't remember how to spell it in Norwegian). It was so sweet because we were on a huge boat and also because there were so many people out on boats (I will be adding pictures sometime this week so you can check them out).

We ended up boating out to an island and eating some dinner with some of their friends and then heading back in and watching all of the bonfires on the way back. In Norway on this holiday it is a tradition to light these massive bonfires on the coast.

The next few days were not all that exciting, I went for a bike ride with one of my friends if I remember right. Did some stuff with my family, and ended up spraining my ankle in a running race so I came back a little injured :P. The highlight though was actually as I was leaving, a handful of my friends met me at the train station just as I was leaving.

It was really unexpected (I only thought there would be one), but I have to say it was a very pleasant surprise and something I will NEVER forget. Leaving town was one of the hardest things, I know I will probably be going back but leaving after being there a whole year and coming to call it my home was hard none the less.

My last few days in Norway was spent between my host mothers sister and an AFS end of stay camp. Both were really good and a lot of fun but eventually they came to an end at the airport.

It finally hit me as we pulled up to the airport that I was going home, and soon. Me and a couple of the students that I was talking to really started to feel it as we pulled up and unloaded all of our bags.

Me and the other Americans also happened to be on one of the earliest flights which means that basically everyone was still there and trying to say goodbye at one time. Emotions were running wild and I hope everyone made it through okay, but we finally got all of our baggage checked and got to our plane with not a whole lot of time to spare.

The flight was fairly uneventful, we went from Oslo to Stockholm to Newark and then we split up as well, with me continuing to Minneapolis and everyone else heading their own directions. It was weird to be back in the US again after so long especially because almost everyone was speaking English.

Eventually I made it to Minneapolis and was greeted by my family and also by some old friends from Faribault. I can not tell you what was going through my head at the time, it was just a generally weird and totally unique feeling.

After a few days with my Aunt and Uncle down in Minneapolis we finally headed home, and yesterday afternoon I walked into my house after almost an entire year. While it felt good to be home I also miss Norway quite a bit.

There you have it. Thanks so much for following my blog this year and maybe I will be creating another one to go further.

P.S. Alle min venner i norge, tusen takk for et kjempebra år i norge, dere har gjort dette år uforglemmelig. Der er så mye jeg har lyst å si til dere men for nå takk for alle dere har gjort og vi sees igjen! :D