27 November, 2014


Laying in bed last night I got to thinking, four years ago, I was in Norway stressing about the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner for my host family and friends (a dinner I could not have pulled if it weren't for my mothers). With Thanksgiving fast approaching I also started thinking about the things I was thankful for, and to be honest that list encompasses so much, my family, my friends, my circumstances, etc. That year abroad had a huge impact on my outlook for life, it changed my perspective on so many things. My personal growth that year I owe to my friends and host family, and that growth put me in a much better attitude for school.

Prior to leaving for Norway I didn't feel like I was ready for school and even my first couple of semesters I wasn't really sure, but as time went on I got more comfortable with classes, the culture shock I experienced after moving back subsided and I started to figure myself out. As I got further entrenched in the variety of classes I was taking I came to realize just how much I had come to love learning about new people and new ideas. So for the last 4 years I have completely immersed myself in school and while I love it, I have always missed Norway and the amazing and wonderful people that I met there. I still hope to move back someday, to the place where I felt at home right off the bat.

Since that dinner so much has happened, I completed my year abroad, finished three years of college, I am nearly done with my senior year of college, and I have moved from Ely to Duluth. Through my years at school I have met many phenomenal people both in school and in the Duluth community, some of them have since moved but they will forever remain as a part of me, just like those I met in Norway. While sometimes it is a struggle to see people leave I am forever thankful that they were a part of my life. I know I struggle with keeping in touch, but regardless of how much I talk to any one of you, you are always in my thoughts, every one of you helped get me to where I am today and I will never forget that. So in closing, I am thankful for everyone that has played a role in my life, and whether I see you everyday, once a week, or haven't seen you in a while, I am so thankful for every single bit of time that I have spent with you.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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