28 February, 2011

VM og andre ting

Hi everybody!!!

First I just want to say VOTE ON THE POLL! Sso far two people have voted for me to write in both English and Norwegian and only one voted for me to write in only Norwegian, but what do the rest of you have to say? Since I wrote my last post in Norwegian I consider it fair to write this one in English. There is quite a bit to tell this time because I have done quite a bit over the last week and a half ish.

Right after my last post nothing interesting happened other than me being able to use my new skis!!!!! It makes so much of a difference having skis that fit. I have used them several times now and each time I am liking them more and more.

I had a history test the week before my winter break, which I was totally not ready for. I was able to get enough studying in though to at least be able to answer a few of the questions (I think).

The next part in my week was going to watch a movie as part of the Norwegian for us exchange student. We went to see a Norwegian film called "Jeg Reiser Alene." Not a bad movie, a bit hard to understand because it was in a pretty difficult dialect but after half an hour I was able to keep up a bit better. After that those of us exchange students went to the shopping center for lunch and just chilled out for a little while.

Then my winter break started!! One week no school, just chilling out and having fun. The first weekend wasn't to much of a big deal just chilled, we went up to Oslo for some skiing and also up to a mountain for a bit (we found an area where the snow was so deep I sank to my armpits, hehe). It was so much fun up at the mountain (not sure exactly where it was, about an hour from where I live) perfect weather, nice fluffy snow and just a nice relaxing ski.

The few days following was just spent with me relaxing, catching up on sleep and doing a tiny bit of homework. After those couple of days is when the fun really started. Thursday me and my family went up to Oslo to watch the ski VM (World ski championships) which are being held in Oslo this year. We had tickets to watch the sprint race, and man was it really cool to be there.

Apart from being one of the very small number of Americans there it was a total blast. I cheered like crazy for all the Americans, and was out there with my big American flag, and when there weren't any Americans around I was cheering on the Norwegians.

It would have been so cool to see an American on the podium but to be honest it was just cool to see all of the athletes out there racing. After that it was back home and back to chilling out. However! I worked it out and I ended up going back to Oslo on Saturday and to watch the Womens 15 km Pursuit race and the mens 10 km combined race. I met up with another exchange student from the US and we both stood on the course and screamed like crazy.

After the races I went to my host brothers apartment for a little while and then went back into the city to watch the award ceremony. I got there a little late so I was in the back making it difficult to see although after about 20 minutes I had managed to shove and push my way to a point where I could see the whole stage.

After that I met up with yet another exchange student who had come done from Bergen for her winter break (Bergen's winter break is a week later than mine). Checked out most of the stuff in the Oslo sentrum with her and her host family. After wondering for a little while I headed back to my host brothers apartment for the night. Got back, we watched a movie and just chilled out. I then went to bed and man did I sleep well, one of the benefits of being on your feet and walking around all day.

Got up and it was back up to Holmenkollen for the mens 30 km pursuit race! Got there with plenty of time to spare this time because I was late on Saturday because of problems with the trains going up. Anyway, got there and found a good spot watch the whole thing, cheered on the US athletes like crazy still and was even told that I was seen on tv. After watching everyone else finish it was back into the city to look around some more, hung out with one of the exchange students ran into two others in the middle of Oslo. After chilling out some more it was back to my host brothers to pick up my stuff and eventually take the train home.

Met up with an exchange student also going back my direction, although we ended up on different parts of the train so me and another student that I ran into on the train sprinted from one part to the next at the next stop. Met with the others and headed back home, awesome winter break.

Then of course school had to start again today, so back to the normal world. Nothing to exciting happening this week except for a big physics test, so yay... Anyway that was my update, hope you enjoy reading it.


14 February, 2011

Hva skjer folkens?

Det var en veldig opptatt helgen, men ikke så mye skjedde i uke. Den startet på torsdag når jeg gikk ute for middag for bursdag feiring for to venner min, som fylte 18 år gammel. Det var veldig koselig vi spiste pizza og bare prate lit med hver andre.

Fredag på skolen det var litt kjedelig vi hadde noe presentasjon i norsk og hadde å skrive en drøftingsartikkel (det tok veldig lang tid for meg). Etter skolen jeg bare slappe av litt og på kvelden var jeg på fest til to jenter for deres 18 års feiring. Den var veldig fin fest, med masse folk, og jeg snakket mye med masse forskjellig folk om USA, hjemmested, hvordan det er for meg i Norge og mange andre ting. Det var veldig kult å snakke med forskjellig folk om så mange ting og for å treffe mer norsk folk.

Neste del av helgen var på lørdag (det var også bursdagen min!!!), familien min kom og våkne meg klokka 9 med den norsk bursdag sang og amerikansk pannekaker (left overs fra da jeg laget dem, yay for fryser). Vi spiste i rommet mitt og etter på jeg bare slappe av til etter lunsj og da vi gikk ut på ski og også stoppe på en sportsbutikk og jeg kjøpte nye ski!!! De var dyrt men jeg hadde å få dem fordi min ikke passer lenger.

Etter ski var vi tilbake hjem og slappe av litt før festen for to venner min at hadde bursdag deres på torsdag (samme at jeg spiste med på torsdag). Det var gøy men der var også litt drama, så yeah...

Og siste ting at skjedde i helgen var den Vindfjelløpet på søndag, det var en 42 km rennet og var veldig vanskelig fordi jeg hadde å bruke min rock skis (jeg glemt hva det heter på norsk). Men tiden min var under 3 timer uansett, og neste gang jeg skal bruke min nye ski. :D Det er alt for nå, tror jeg at ikke så mye skjer denne uke men vi skal se.

Ha det så lenge!
Hilsen, Jon

P.S. translate.google.com for those that don't understand Norwegian you can use google translate to figure it out, it should be understandable. What do you guys think, should I write in only Norwegian or should I write in both Norwegian and English? Leave a comment, send me an email or vote in the poll in the top right corner.

08 February, 2011

Fantastisk uke!!!

This last week has been awesome! It started out pretty boring but ended great. The fun started on Friday when I went with my sports class to Kongsberg for downhill skiing. It was a ton of fun, and for my second time downhill skiing it went pretty good. Kongsberg didn't have as many different runs as Giants Ridge but it was a whole lot longer. I had a lot of fun with everyone and got to learn some new things. After that it was off to the Kongsberg train station to wait for the train south for the AFS Camp.

I got on the train and right away ran into several people from the camp, for the most part the ride down was pretty boring except for being able to just chat with a bunch of the students. Got to the train station and waited for the last students from the south and then headed to the place where we would have the camp.

We got there and started with unloading the bus and then getting some food, followed by chilling out, talking and just relaxing. Had to be up fairly early for breakfast, after breakfast it was on to free time, hehe. Guess what we did, we built a giant snow fort! It was awesome and ended up being huge, we ate lunch and then did a short activity thing. Then it was more free time, we went for a short ski and messed around some more before dinner.

After dinner it was more chill time and we also had another short activity a little later. We also found out that there was a high chance of the northern lights for the night so we were allowed to stay up and try and catch them. So we stayed up and chilled but unfortunately no northern lights, but it was cool to just sit outside and watch the stars, there were a ton of shooting stars.

Now on to the last day, we had the boy/girl talk again, then it was on to packing and cleaning. Eventually we all had to leave :( It was an awesome weekend though and we all said bye to one of the students who chose to go back home, if you are reading you know who you are, we'll all miss you man! After the couple hour train ride home it was back home for a little bit and then off to one of my friends house to watch the Super bowl.

I found it really funny that I don't think I have ever watched the super bowl back home but watched it here in Norway, especially considering we had to stay up until 4:30 to watch the whole thing. After the weekend it was really hard to stay up, and by the time it finished we would only have an hour or so to sleep, so we decided to pull an all-nighter.

After the super bowl school on Monday was really hard but I made it through. Got home and went right to bed, and slept most of the way to morning with only an hour awake in-between. Next came another day of downhill skiing! This time with the whole school, so I got to go with all of my friends. It was a ton of fun, we got there around 10ish I think and I went straight to rent out skis for the day. Was out skiing by around 10:30-11 I think, we went on every trail and even took some paths through the woods.

We headed back at 3 and then I just chilled out, although I was pretty wiped out, so just relaxed and wrote stuff in here. Anyway the last week has been totally awesome, it has been filled with so many things and some awesome time spent with all of my friends. It is hard to believe that it has been six months already and I am really bummed that I only have 5 months left but I am determined to make the best of the time I have left.

It has also been a little hard the last little while because money has been getting a little tight because everything is so expensive, plus it doesn't help that I need to get skis which is going to cost a lot.

Anyway that is things for now, thanks for reading and sorry no Norwegian for now, I am wiped out, a little sick and ready for bed.