01 June, 2011

Last month :(

I know I say this every post but time goes by so quickly that it seems nothing can catch up with it. Truly and honestly I have less than one month left in Norway, at the same time however I realize just how long I have been away from all of my family and friends back home in the States. At the moment my emotions are mixed about going back home because I really do love it here but on the other hand getting to start college and being able to see friends and family is going to be really nice.

Anyway not much has happened in the last couple of weeks that is worth telling, there are a few things they. One of the exciting things was that I went with a friend to the Champions League soccer game (basically world championship from what I can tell) at the kulturhus in town, where there with almost another several hundred people. It was pretty cool to see with so many people, and some of the reactions were really loud and lasted forever.

My host family and I made a trip to Oslo last weekend to just meet up with my host brother and just chill out up there. I did get sick last week and am still getting over it at the moment so I was down for most of this last weekend just feeling icky.

Yesterday in my sports class I led the class period with track, we have been slowly going through everyone in our class. Everyone chose a sport or something and for most everyone else there were a few that picked it so they would work together, but I was on my own. It did go really well however, it was a little difficult at times because there was so many people, but everyone had fun and my teacher seemed impressed.

There hasn't been a whole lot happening lately just a lot of thinking and a bit of prep for leaving. School is starting to finish up which is nice, I am basically finished next monday with most of my classes and after that I just have the Norwegian exam, which I am actually pretty nervous about but I am hoping it will go ok. That is next Wednesday so pretty much after that I am finished up with school. Just have to wait for my grades in everything now to see what I will get.

Well I think that covers things now.

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